The Correct Answer Is A: Don't Run Into Any Of The Following: A Tree, A Mailbox, Or A Lamp Post. Hope I Helped
To convince the reader that what they are writing about is true and correct, and to add a deeper meaning and depth to their writing.
Explanation: A simile uses like as or than
There are many sides to Lady Macbeth, and although there are many more negative than positive qualities, I will try to list some of them nevertheless.
Negative: she is ruthless, and stops at nothing to achieve her goals. She wants her husband to become king, and isn't afraid to be an accomplice in a murder to get what she wants. She is manipulative, constantly controlling her husband to do what she wants him to do.
Positive: I'd say that in the end, one of her positive qualities is her guilt - she feels guilty for all the murders she took part in, which shows that she is human after all, with conscience. I guess that her ambition could be both a positive and negative quality, because she is very strong and powerful.
The rough, rugged and haunted Dallas fascinates Pony. Even before Pony becomes an ace storyteller, Dallas acts as his muse, or inspiration. Pony says,
I used to like to draw his picture when he was in a dangerous mood, for then, I could get his personality down in a few lines. (1.46)
Notice the "used to." This is some subtle foreshadowing. Pony no longer sketches Dally because Dally's already dead when Pony's writing. His death is one of his reasons Pony's writing this piece in the first place