Loss of biodiversity , soil erosion , water pollution and etc ..
Answer: At its height the empire encompassed most of southeastern Europe to the gates of Vienna, including present-day Hungary, the Balkan region, Greece, and parts of Ukraine; portions of the Middle East now occupied by Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Egypt; North Africa as far west as Algeria; and large parts of the Arabian.
1.The theme of belonging is that all people in society want a sense of belonging. The greasers don't really belong anywhere, except for their gang. Their gang is like a family and gives them a sense of belonging and purpose.
2. The Outsiders demonstrates that society really cares about and judges people based on their appearance. We also group people based on stereotypical appearances.
3.Dallas and Johnny are both heroic because they both saved people at the cost of themselves.
He did not approve of slavery, he just didn't know how to end it