Reglas que necesitamos a crear para ele derecho a una educacion de calidad son
-Todos deberian tener una oportunida igual para una educacion
-Educacion or todos sin importa raza, color, lenguaje hablado, religion, or genero
-Education debe ser gratuita por todo
1. Falso, It is the most requested language in universities.
2. Cierto
3. Falso, Due to Spanish being a highly spoken language in the world, most companies have customer service in Spanish.
4. Cierto
Social contracts are the origin of society. Without a firm social contract, society as we know it would not be possible.
A social contract is only possible with the consent of the people.
It is a social contract that establishes the legitimacy of authority and the state over the people.
A social contract establishes the political community.
A social contract establishes civil society.
With a social contract the people trade personal freedom for social and political order.
The people do surrender some freedoms to authority, but they do so voluntarily in exchange for protection of their remaining freedoms as well as the promise of services from government.
A social contract expresses the general will of a people, their collective interests, and provides the basis for ensuring the general welfare of the people.
A social contract offers the promise of personal protection and the rule of law in exchange for giving up the natural right of personal retaliation.
Hope this helps.
Are all the movies in Honduras in Spanish?
Nope, they're not.
I am from basketball.
She practices on Saturdays.
We walk in the mountains.
You want to go on Sunday.
You take him in the park.
I swim in .
A person who nothing practiced .
On Sundays you eat at