APA in text citation is followed by a direct quote used from an authors work. For example: “..........” (Jones, 1998).
Include the authors last name, followed by a comma, then the publishing year of the work
A synonym can be theory or belief
Dear mom
I have had a really good time at camp. I have learned how to pitch a tent the backstroke play foursquare and use a compass. I have also met many new friends. Alex is from Richmond Virginia and Michael is from Cleven land Ohio. Michael and I have the same exact same birthday:June 23 2009. Anyway I still have two more weeks to go. There is a big celebration here on Independence Day. I hope everyone is doing great at home. I will see you soon.
Your son
Ok that´s the original. Here is it fixed.
Dear Mom,
I have had a really good time at camp. I have learned how to pitch a tent, the backstroke, play foursquare, and use a compass. I have also met many new friends. Alex is from Richmond, Virginia and Michael is from Cleveland, Ohio. Michael and I have the same exact same birthday: June 23, 2009. Anyway, I still have two more weeks to go. There is a big celebration here on Independence Day. I hope everyone is doing great at home. I will see you soon.
Your son,
you have to make questions like this more points or u will get banned
The answers are B C A
hyperbole which means exaggeration.
There are not a billion spiders in the attic all spinning webs. If there were even 100000, the volume the webs occupied would be much beyond what any one spider could catch. Indeed, I suspect that the webs would almost be solid in nature.