वाक्य संरचना के 4 प्रकार
एक वाक्य में क्या है?
एक साधारण वाक्य में एक स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य होता है।
एक यौगिक वाक्य दो (या अधिक) स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य हैं जो एक संयोजन या अर्धविराम से जुड़ते हैं।
एक जटिल वाक्य में एक स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य और एक आश्रित उपवाक्य होता है।
क्या मुझे एक brainliest मिल सकता है
Hi there! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
I Disagree with this statement " Marriage is all about love and family."
<em>We need to have 3 things, other than love and family. We need</em>
- <em>good communication</em>
- <em> respect,</em>
- <em> trust.</em>
<em>Most people say love is a feeling I also disagree with that. Below I will explain my feelings on love. </em>
<em>I have always thought love was not all feelings and instinct but is instead a generosity of time. that if you truly love someone you will give them all your hours without a second thought. Ideal moments are exactly what they sound like ideal and hard not to enjoy. But love has never been about ideal moments for me, but rather everyday ones that are brightened because the other person is there.</em>
<em>Hope this Helps!</em>
<em>happy Valentine's day!</em>
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

<em> </em>
Heck no, I sat here and my eyes said 0_o.
Type the website at the end of your paper then lookup (whatever the title of the word search) and then the work "key" you can find the answers there.
Katika maisha ya kila mtu, usafi wa kibinafsi ni muhimu. Watu wengi hawajui jinsi ya kujitunza wenyewe. Mchakato wa kuweka mwili wako safi na afya unajulikana kama usafi wa kibinafsi. Katika insha hii yote, nitajadili jinsi unavyoweza kudumisha maisha yenye afya ukiwa hai, ukila kiafya, na ukiburudika. Kuanza, usafi wa kibinafsi ni muhimu. Ni muhimu kujijali mwenyewe na mwili wako. Kwa sababu unajisikia mwenye furaha na safi sana, kuwa na usafi wa kibinafsi bora kunaweza kukufanya ujiamini zaidi na kuongeza kujistahi kwako. Usafi wa kibinafsi unaweza kumfanya mwanafunzi ajisikie vizuri zaidi kuhusu yeye na maisha yake. Unafurahi unapokuwa na afya njema na unaonekana kuwa na afya njema.