Yes, this causes conflict of elements
Identify synonyms and hyperonyms in the following text. Underline them.
“Vanguards are called various artistic trends that emerged in the XXI century, between the two world wars. Some of them were: Cubism, Surrealism, Ultraism, Futurism and Dadaism. Although each of these movements presented its own characteristics, all showed the intention of breaking with current aesthetic conventions. Among the expressive resources to which they appealed in the field of literature, we can count the irregular and dissonant verses, the unusual metaphors, the graphic arrangement depending on the content and the breaking of the punctuation rules "
Era o zi frumoasa de 5 septembrie. Soarele patea puternic.
Ma pregateam sa merg in parc cu bunicu. Ne indreptam spre statia de troleibuz 70. In dreum am vazut anunturi pe care scriau : SIMFONII DE TOAMNA VOR AVEA UN CONCERT PE DATA DE 5 SEPTEMBRIE LA ORA 18:00. LOCUL DESFASURII ESTE LA ROSETI IN AER LIBER . INTRAREA ESTE LIBERA. Atunci spus bunicului sa mergem la acest concert.
Concertul incepuse cu 2 min inainte. Aici am asculta muzica de GEORGE ENESCU. Mi.a placut toate melodiile pe care cantat.
La sfarsit am facut cunostinta cu dirijor pe care il chema(alegi tu) si cu canteretii sai .
Ciar a fost un concert de minune.