Answer:1st Big Bang 2nd Sun got borned by millions of tiny stars,space materials all collided together.3rd sun is in our solar system 4th in the future scientists don’t know when but the sun will get bigger swallowing almost all of our solar system (not the universe) and will blow up this is the natural life cycle of the sun predicted
Normal fault - a dip-slip fault in which the block above the fault has moved downward relative to the block below. This type of faulting occurs in response to extension and is often observed in the Western United States Basin and Range Province and along oceanic ridge systems.
Normal Fault Animation
thrust fault - a dip-slip fault in which the upper block, above the fault plane, moves up and over the lower block. This type of faulting is common in areas of compression, such as regions where one plate is being subducted under another as in Japan. When the dip angle is shallow, a reverse fault is often described as a thrust fault.
Thrust Fault Animation
Blind Thrust Fault Animation
strike-slip fault - a fault on which the two blocks slide past one another. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a right lateral fault.
Strike-slip Fault Animation
A left-lateral strike-slip fault is one on which the displacement of the far block is to the left when viewed from either side.
A right-lateral strike-slip fault is one on which the displacement of the far block is to the right when viewed from either side.
Fertile black and dark brown soils, grains, natural range where cattle can graze. Coal, natural gas, oil, and potash