Olympe De Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft were both dedicated feminists and advocates for women's rights during the 1700s.
Olympe De Gouges fought for the right for women to be able to divorce. During this time women did not have the right to divorce spouses and would often be stuck for life, she did not want this. She spoke up about how she thought that women were treated unequally and ended up starting movements and people fighting for women's rights during the Enlightenment eras to come.
Mary Wollstonecraft also fought for women's rights and she was a huge feminist. She focused on something different than Olympe De Gouges, she wanted equal education. She felt that the education system was flawed and sexist and it preferred men's education over women's education. The education that women would receive would leave them incapable and not prepared for the real world, Mary Wollstonecraft wanted to change this.