Alexander the Great died unexpectedly in 323 BCE. As a result, the whole empire began to fall, and leaders fought over power and the empire. Artists of this period had a noticeably different vision of art. Art before this time period were characterized as religious and peaceful. Hellenistic art became more realistic. Hellenistic art is known for the expression of pain, anger, and other dark emotions.
Answer: it have affect how people see art and extends the reach of art.
Explanation: The new media art influence the virtual communication art design profoundly. It also influence the extensive use of network technology and photographic technology and digital media technology in design and visual resources have been developed.
New media made it possible for art to have wider reach and also made it easier and fast for the artist and art lovers.
John was father and Mike was son the had the influenece
uho uho uho ummm ummm i finnie cry my cactus just die
Answer: my favorite digital art war tank and military helicopter
Explanation: that's my favorite digital art to do.