First of all I will provide the definition of a problem novel, also known as social novel; it is work of fiction in which a prevailing social problem, including gender, race, or class prejudice, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel.
So, accortding to this explanation, To Kill a Mockingbird can be considered a problem novel because it narrates the story of Tom who is accused of rapping a girl and the judge who convicted him of the crime did not believe his innocence just because he is not a white man. In other words, since Tom is black, he is considered guilty of the repe. which is an example of rascisms; a severe issue endured by many in the United States.
Moreover, through the novel, the characters have to cope to different challenges and obstacles while they grow up,so, they change as the story goes on and ther view of the world changes as well.
A state of despire:::::::::::::::::::)
The theme of that story is probably like this:A Lion, an Donkey, and a Fox were hunting in company, and caught a large quantity of game. The Donkey was asked to divide the spoil. This he did very fairly, giving each an equal share.
The Fox was well satisfied, but the Lion flew into a great rage over it, and with one stroke of his huge paw, he added the Donkey to the pile of slain.
Then he turned to the Fox.
“You divide it,” he roared angrily.
The Fox wasted no time in talking. He quickly piled all the game into one great heap. From this he took a very small portion for himself, such undesirable bits as the horns and hoofs of a mountain goat, and the end of an ox tail.
The Lion now recovered his good humor entirely.
“Who taught you to divide so fairly?” he asked pleasantly.
“I learned a lesson from the Donkey,” replied the Fox, carefully edging away.
Direct objects are only found in sentences with action verbs! :)
A. Do you want to dream more clearly?
To be vivid means producing a strong or clear impression on the senses; producing distinct mental images. Essentially, she is asking if you want clearer or stronger dreams.
Hope this is helpful! I tried to describe it in the best way I could. Let me know if you have any questions.