If you are asking how to properly write the title then you should Put quotation marks around the poem's title unless it is a novel-length epic poem, such as "Paradise Lost" or "The Divine Comedy." In that case, italicize or underline the title. Cite the poem with a parenthetical citation if you are using MLA or APA format.
The cartoonist is looking to reform the school system, if you look closely to the picture there is a public school outside of the "loop" and the private school is in the loop
In this passage, Douglass does say he knows he left on a Saturday but did not know what day of the month or the year it was. He also knew terms of a ship because he used them the passage.
The characters in Lord of the Flies<span> possess recognizable symbolic </span>significance<span>, which make them as the sort of people around us. Ralph stands for civilization and democracy; Piggy represents intellect and rationalism; Jack signifies savagery and dictatorship; </span>Simon<span> is the incarnation of goodness and saintliness.</span>