Answer:It was introduced into English poetry in the 20th century.
Rhyming verse is suitable for repetition, but free verse is not.
1) The mood is one of loss and eventual joy of being alive.
2) <u>Charred sticks chewed by flame, & Weeping sooty tears, but alive, & Oh, alive!.</u>
To see where it was taken or where the clothes was from or what the magazine is about.
<u>In ancient Greece, the theatre was one of the most important parts of the culture and art, as they valued the spoken word. It started to develop around 600 years BC.</u> Dramatic arts were a means to explore and understand life, humans, and gods. <u>The main genres were comedy and tragedy. </u>
Comedy was used to put a satirical and humorous perspective on everyday life and human trains. They would often exaggerate stories and features with the masks. Some of the most famous comedies are <em>Lysistrata</em>, <em>The Clouds</em>, and<em> the Frogs</em>.
Greek tragedies are older than the comedies and the oldest ones come from Athens. Tragedies explored stories of love, loss, pride, conflict with gods, and so on. Many of them were based on myths and dealt with ideas of abusing the rules, without even realizing them, and then suffering the punishment. Some of the most famous tragedies are <em>Antigone, Electra, Medea, Helen</em>, and <em>Heracles</em>.