1A.How much do you pay to get your duvet dry-cleaned?
1B. I'm not sure. I haven't had it cleaned for ages.
2A. Did you do the decorating yourself?
2B. Yes, but I got my sister to help me.
3A. Did you dye your hair yourself?
3B. No, I got my friend to do it for me.
4A. Have you had some new lights put in round the pool?
4B. Actually, I put them in myself.
5A. When did you get your car serviced last?
5B. I haven't had it done recently.
Let me know if you have any questions
Yes, this is true that United states of America done human right abuses in the global war on terror. It targeted all the Muslims and also arrested those people who have no connection to terrorism. Due to these anti-terrorism operations, the killing occurs without right evidences mistakenly caught more people everywhere that destroy the lives of many innocent people. This act of United states of America destroy its reputation and make it a country where human rights are highly violated.
10. a prayer that her love will live eternally
Saying that she hopes God allows that her love will live on after death shows that she wants a love that lives forever
11. c. "Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow and plough"
This shows what he has done to his land to make it his own and how hard he has worked on it
12. d. "The land's sharp features seemed to be/the Century's corpse outleant"
This shows that the land basically resembles a corpse which shows how powerful an effect nature can have on shaping land.
Slim is respected for his skills on the ranch, good attitude towards everyone, and respectful manner of confidence.