Do not waste your time looking that link up I tried looking my answer up and it said it was fake.
Thanks to the agricultural expert's insight, we decided to let the field lay fallow for a year to improve the soil quality - it was a success!
Fallow usually means that something is not fertile or being used to grow anything. Often it is seen used when talking about fields used to grow crops. Allowing a field to lay fallow for a certain amount of time can help it gain back some of the key nutrients in the soil that excessive farming may have depleted. Another word for insight is knowledge.
Many people felt that their lives would be better off if the colonies remained under British rule.
I believe it would be declarative because it is stating a fact.
Interrogative is a question and will allmost always end in a question marks.
Imperative is an order and will almost always end in a period.
Exclamatory shows excitement or concern ends most often with a exclamation mark.
Part one: he feels guilty because of his special treatment.
Part 2: intrinsic