lectronic Health Record (EHR) Software. ...
Medical database software. ...
Medical research software. ...
Medical diagnosis software. ...
Medical imaging software. ...
E-prescribing software. ...
Telemedicine software. ...
Appointment scheduling (booking) software.
The answer to this is B=MODE(A1:A65)
Pass-through disk
Pass-through disk configuration will allow the administrator to connect an offline physical disk that is connected to the host machine to a VM to maximize a VM's performance.
VMs access a physical hard disk by way of a "pass-through disk," a special virtual disk that directly accesses the physical disk if it is made exclusively available to the VM.
A pass-through disk must be offline in the parent partition of the Hyper-V server.
The correct option is A
In project management, earliest finish time for activity A refers to the earliest start time for succeeding activities such as B and C to start.
Assume that activities A and B comes before C, the earliest finish time for C can be arrived at by computing the earliest start-finish (critical path) of the activity with the largest EF.
That is, if two activities (A and B) come before activity C, one can estimate how long it's going to take to complete activity C if ones knows how long activity B will take (being the activity with the largest earliest finish time).