Ruth thinks the Thorpe family should stay at her home, but Mr. Thorpe wants them to leave.
Be gratefull.
Beowulf was written down in England between the 7th and 10th centuries by Christian monks; however it was created in oral tradition long before that. Though it's written in Anglo-Saxon or Old English, the culture it depicts is that of Denmark and southern Sweden.
Perspectives are not referring to the art of drawing solid objects in this poem.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- In the poem "Elliptical," the author is criticizing something related to society and people's behavior towards each other.
- The poem does not have any reference to objects, drawings, or physical elements, but to humanity and how individuals relate.
In this case, when the author says <em>“Of course their perspectives have been limited…,”</em> she is referring to perspectives on the future, that is, she was talking about how people had little hope about the future and it impacted their behavior.
More information:
Charle's Dickens conveyed the importance of Christmas and Tradition in <em>"A Christmas Carol"</em> by showing that Christmas is all about <em>"giving rather than receiving."</em> Instead of spending time at work and being grumpy like Scrooge on Christmas Eve,<em> spending time with family is more important.</em> It also teaches people a lesson that <em>you cannot bring your wealth when you die</em>, thus,<u> it is more important to share your wealth for the common good and the happiness of others.</u>
"A Christmas Carol" is a story written by Charles Dickens, which was published in <em>1843.</em> It centers on the character of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miser who was visited by the <em>Three Ghosts of Christmas.</em> These ghosts were meant to teach him a lesson and to show him that<em> family is more important than wealth, especially during Christmas Day.</em> After these events, Scrooge miraculously changed into a reformed person.