Well after gaining the right to vote, women began expressing their want for equality in other areas and went after it.
Louis XIV took several steps to increase the power of the French Monarchy. Firstly <em>he to reduce the influence of nobility and increase the power of the monarchy in France</em>. Louis XIV requested all the nobles to live with him in place of Versailles so he could keep an eye on them so that they wouldn't have more power than him. Secondly, Louis XIV placed <em>taxes on both imported and exported goods to collect more money for France</em>. His action laid the groundwork for french revolution because of staggering debts as well as royal abuse of power by the king.
Answer: B: To expand the meaning of the word American to include all people.
In these lines, Kennedy addresses the question of civil rights, and in particular, the rights of black students to attend white institutions. He implies this in the sentence: "It ought to be possible, therefore, for American students of any color to attend any public institution they select..." The reason why he mentions the troops in his speech is because he wanted to make an analogy between the troops and the students. He argues that if black soldiers are considered American enough to fight abroad, then black students should be considered American enough to attend any college they desire.
The Bering land bridge is a theory of how early humans migrated to the Americas from Asia about 20,000 years ago.