The leeward side of the mountain is the side of the mountain that is covered by wind and you may notice that that side is drier than the windward side, which is the side that faces the incoming wind.
Now the leeward side temperature increases from top to bottom because when the air goes up the mountain from the windward side, it loses most of its moisture. So by the time the air goes down the leeward side, it lacks moisture and heats up as it loses even more moisture going down. This is called the rain shadow effect.
Pulsar is also called as<u> neutron stars or white dwarfs.</u> These are formed after the supernova explosion. Their mass is higher than a normal star. And the most different thing we find in pulsar is that, in a pulsar the proton and electrons combine themselves to form a neutron. That's why this is also called as neutron star. After neutron or white dwarf the star goes to the black dwarf stage.
Remember when the core of the iron becomes iron rich that time it cannot sustain further nucleo synthesis process, that's why it goes for a supernova explosion. Which results the formation of neutron star or white dwarf, followed by black dwarf or black hole.
<span>The correct answer here is drought. A drought is when there is a shortage of water, due to a long period of time in which there if far less rainfall than would normally be expected in any one area.</span>
Para que ningún acto o actividad que se lleve a cabo mientras el tratado se halle en vigencia constituirá fundamento para hacer valer, apoyar o negar una reclamación de soberanía territorial en la Antártida, ni para crear derechos de soberanía en esa región.
The diagram shows 4 possible options for the centripetal force acting on the object represented as a black dot. The correct option is the direction marked as C since it points inwards and ties the object to its circular motion.