Women: Kinder, Kurche, Kutcher (Children, Church, Kitchen). Maternal role highlited as one of nurturing the family. Men were to work and protect the family.
Youth: Hitler Youth, League of German Girls, other youth clubs designed to indoctrinate and control them from a young age to continue the nazi legacy. In school, new subjects like race studies introduced and other subjects were adapted to Nazi view e.g. Biology and PE concerned race and more emphasis was put on PE
German Jews: Laws made against them to discriminate e.g. The Nuremburg Laws (concerning citizenship and marriage)
Society in general: Censorship of the media, fear due to gestapo (secret police)
You can do some more research into these topics as this is just a brief overview
A. voters felt bitter and fearful because of the loss of WW1 and the poor state of the economy. their was no civil war and Mussolini was the Fascist leader of Italy.
Individuals and Society evaluate economic choices differently because the individual is usually only interested in what benefits them (self-interest) while society is interested in what benefits the most people.
This doesnt make it easy for anyone to understand if you re do the question maybe i could be able to answer it :)
Answer: B. A slower economy
The impact of World War I on Japan was significant.
Opposite to the prewar deficit era, Japanese external trade expanded quickly. However, the extension of loans to several allies and China, through the Nishihara loans, eventually led to the downfall of the Terauchi cabinet. Altogether, the 1920s Japanese economy was characterized by several crises and the reorientation into a mostly American-led order.