three-fourths of the states need to approve
Answer:The correct option is C. The trade between Canada and United States increases manufacturing in the United States.
The manufacturing industry of the United States is known to be the largest after China. The economy of the United States depends on its manufacturing industry. Majority of the Americans have jobs in the manufacturing industries.
A huge amount of money is made by the Americans by trading and exporting its manufactured goods. In a research conducted in 2016, it was seen that the trade relations between Canada and the United States were the second largest in the world. The United States exports the majority of its manufactured goods to Canada.
En la Edad Media, el mundo musulmán se extendía desde la India hasta España, pasando por Jerusalén y Tierra Santa. Para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes, Jerusalén era y sigue siendo una ciudad santa. De hecho, para los cristianos medievales era el centro de su mundo espiritual y geográficamente según sus mapas.