Everyone, nobody.
Indefinite pronouns are those pronouns used in places of names or a specific person or thing. They do not specify what the pronoun is, nor do they provide any indication of what the pronoun represents. They replace the nouns but do not provide any indication of what nouns they stand for.
In the given sentence, we can use the indefinite pronoun "<em>everyone</em>" and "<em>nobody</em>" as the sentence is in the contrasting side of each other. So, the new sentence will be-
Suzy loves to bake cookies for her family. <em><u>Everyone </u></em>loves them, but <em><u>nobody </u></em>helps her clean up.
This shows that while all the members of the family loves her cookies, only few of them help her clean up. Also, the indefinite pronouns are in the singular form as the corresponding verb is in the present tense.
After completing your undergraduate studies, you are trying to decide if you should enter the workforce or continue your education in graduate school. By going into the workforce, you know that you will potentially be missing out on higher earnings in the future. However, by staying in school, you are not only going to have to pay thousands of dollars in tuition and book costs, but you are also going to miss out on earning whatever pay you would have made at the job you could have worked at.
is right¡!