There were many reasons that led to Secession which ultimately led to Civil war.
Before the Civil War, the country was divided between North and South. Secession was withdrawal of 11 states where slavery was legal from the Union. This was followed by electing Abraham Lincoln as the President. There were many issues between the two states which included the beliefs like one wanted more States Rights while the other wanted the federal government to control the states. Then there were differences over taxes. But the main issue was still slavery. It was legal in South which was then gradually banned.
The Civil War broke out as a result of all these issues. Since the time of the American Revolution, two camps emerged when it came to the role of government.
Spread disease such as smallpox which killed much of population.
Colonized most of land, taking from natives and forcing them to settle elsewhere.
Introduced them to European items, such as horses, guns, and some farm animals
<span>most Southerners saw Lincoln's election as a threat to their way of life and the end of slavery</span>
Edward Jenner gave the first inoculation to a boy in England to help him not get smallpox.
in 1796, when physician Edward Jenner inoculated a young boy in England and successfully prevented him from getting smallpox.