C , It has a timeline and uses simplified language so it should just for layman
1)travel ,this is first answer
2)wins,This is second answer
1. Past: The Pirate Captain WAS (not IS which implies present tense)
2. Past: We WENT to the cinema last week (an example of future tense would be we will be going to the cinema this week)
3. Past: He WAS ( an example of present once again would be he IS)
4. Past: She steered (the ed at the end implies that she already did it)
5. Past: Has been implies that the brother ate the apples and now is done
3. The Crimean War.
The Charge of the Light Brigade was a failed military action involving the British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War.