Sparta had what is known as a diarchical monarchy. The government's complete makeup consisted of dual kings; a council of about 30 gerontes or gerousia, which are rich elders; the ephors, a small council of five people and an assembly, called the Appella or Demos, of the common people who gathered once a month. The ephors were voted in yearly and this group held a lot of power. The ephors had the power to put the kings on trial and possibly impeach him if found guilty. This small council of five served as a type of supreme court. There were two members of the ephors always with the kings on military campaigns to help keep an eye on the interests of the state.
D is likely the only one that you can get rid of immediately. It benefits you. It does not benefit the society in general.
A is subtly the same thing as D. If you make the economy grow, the first individual who will benefit from it is you. That statement is up for argument, because you could contribute to economic growth without benefitting yourself, but there are better answers.
C The founding fathers would mildly disagree with you. They saw the need for government strength but not at the cost of individual rights. Again you could argue this as civic duty, but there is a better answer.
B The answer is B. The "common good" does not need to involve money or government. It is simply doing what is right for everyone.
can see what you need good luck
July 30 to August 4, 1619 the General Assembly was the first representative governing body to meet in North America, or anywhere in the Americas, and has continued to meet to the present day.
They began to get greedy and wanted to make a profit with the money that people entrusted to them.