Explanation: Africa is considered as the Cradle of art and civilization because there were the first artistic manifestations, especially in Egypt, a country belonging to this continent, which has been considered as one of the most important civilizations in ancient times, since there the following types emerge decorative painting, temples and huge buildings (pyramids), in addition to sculptures that apart from being true works of art, were created with a unique style that has stood the test of time. As Africa is a continent considered as the cradle of civilization, this statement is given because it was there that they found remains of hominids (primates) that are believed to be the first humans who inhabited the earth.
Born September 15, 1254. Venice, Italy.
Died January 8, 1324 in Venice, Italy.
At the time period, the founding fathers of the United States were heavily influenced by the philosophies of Montesquieu and John Locke. Montesquieu proposed a system of checks and balances by which one aspect of government would not and frankly, could not, possess too much power. The founding fathers accepted this idea thoroughly, as is evidenced by our current governmental system and the three branches. The Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches are all designed so that one branch will never exceed the other branches, Montesquieu influenced Benjamin Franklin in particular as he traveled to France frequently. Moreover, John Locke proposed the social contract. Essentially, the social contract states that a government must secure the rights of its citizens. In the event that it fails to do so, the citizens then have the right to rebel and overthrow such a government. The natural rights which he spoke of referred to a citizens right to life, liberty, and property. The founding fathers took his philosophy to heart, especially Thomas Jefferson. He made a slight variation though on Locke's natural rights, writing instead that citizens have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
When the Black Death swept over Europe and wiped out a third of its population, it also dismantled Feudalism. Serfs were free to leave the lands of the lords to seek higher wages with the vast labour shortages. The land that had usually been the primary source of wealth was now worthless.
The American Revolution started in April 19, 1775 when American soldiers clashed with British ones at the battle of Lexington.