ow has the acquisition of sustenance (food) evolved in societies? ... 1. The Civilization were originated in Mesopotamia.
3. What were three of the first laws to emerge in ancient civilizations? Hammurabi's Code, Justinian Code, and Mosaic law. Hammurabi ' ...
Missing: necessary? | Must include: necessary?
According to the article of confederation government there were more weakness than strength. Below are the some major weakness
Under the Confederation Articles, some of the WEAKNESS are
1)The federal government was squeezed by the absence of authority provided to the Continental Congress.
2)The Articles gave the authority to pass legislation to Congress, but no authority to implement those rules.
3)If a state did not promote a federal law, it could be ignored by that state.
4)Congress was incapable of levying taxes or regulating trade without a federal government
Effects such as the Smoot-Hawley tariff act raised tariffs to and all time high but was actually meant to help but ultimately failed, causing a sped up process towards the Depression.
Hope this helped if theres choices let me know
Atomic Bomb question
Harry Truman was in charge because Franklin Roosevelt Died from a stroke in April of 1945. We dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima on August, 6, 1945 And then on August 9 1945 we dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. The reason we dropped 2 bombs instead of one is because the whole purpose of dropping the first one was to get Japan to surrender and they didn't so we dropped another one and they finally did surrender. the names of the bombs where Fat man And Little Boy.
Virginia's economy depended heavily on tobacco production, which flourished in the lands and when exported to Europe enriched Virginia's budget a lot.