OK this is the longest one will ever do
Scenario 1: good scenario, piece of pizza/
" both kids reach for the last piece of pizza"
Kid 1, oops my bad
Kid 2, "takes pizza"
kid 1, im sorry but can i have that i was reaching for it firste
kid 2, i feel like since i touched it it should be mine
KId 1, how about tommorow i get the piece
Kid 2, okay cool see you tommorow
Scenerio 2: bad, piece of pizza
" both reach for last piece of pizza"
Kid 1 "takes it fast"
Kid 2, That is mine
Kid 1, why is it on my tray then
Kid 2 its not
Kid 2 "takes from tray
Kid 1, Yelling/ That is mine
Kid 2 throws pizza
lolllll okay im sorry funnnytho