Between the big glasses, the fact that most of his head is blue, and his big ears, this piece has a lot of variety.
Please tell me why no one cares when we cry
No second glances as you pass us by
Aren’t I a person too?
Just because we’re different, doesn’t mean we’re not here
Hidden on the inside, and frozen with fear
We just want to be free and not have to worry
About the danger we face, being who we’re meant to be
Can’t you hear us crying? Can’t you see us dying?
Please tell me why no one cares when we cry
No second glances as you pass us by
Aren’t I a person too?
Just because we’re different, doesn’t mean we’re not here
Hidden on the inside, and frozen with fear
Just be nice to the ones not like you
Living is all we’re trying to do
We here now to stay, we aren’t going away
You can help us to not be afraid
Please can you try to be there when we cry
A few kind glances as your passing us by
We are all people you see
Ask what its like to be different. Different like me
This is not my best work lol I just threw it together
I tried to make the ending happy but it’s hard to be positive about the subject I decided to write about.
The hate that the Lgbt+ community is still strong. It is still illegal to be lgbt in many countries. In some of the States, it is legal to use someone’s sexuality/gender identity as a defense for m*rdering a person. H0mophobic environments/ family members are the cause for many lgbt su*cides.
Many of us live in fear and shame of who we are. This is not okay. This is a problem. We need to fix it.
Looking at both Geometric art pieces you can tell by the designs and the shapes that it has Greek Geometric art. The drawings on the Geometric art come from Greek roots showing that it does have Greek characteristics. The drawings on picture 2 tells a story in Greek and picture 1 has similar drawings and colors. Both pieces are obviously have noticeable characteristics of Greek Geometric art. Picture 1 looks like a hybrid of a human and a four legged animal while picture 2 is a vase with drawings on it. Bothe pictures have their own history and background but they both also tell their own story. Geometric art was a way that Greeks kept stories or symbols of something that happened.
I'm not 100% sure if it's correct but I tried my best to understand and answer your question with what I know about the topic. I apologize if it's wrong.
Binders used for watercolor paints commonly are natural gum or synthetic glycol,
tempera is usually glutinous material such as egg yolk