प्रत्यय जड़ के प्रत्यय होते हैं और अक्सर किसी शब्द के अर्थ और कार्य को बदल देते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर, एक प्रत्यय एक प्रकार के शब्द को इंगित करता है, जैसे संज्ञा, विशेषण, आदि। उदाहरण प्रत्यय। शब्दावली उदाहरण सनसनी, आंदोलन, आलोचना, सफल, स्थापित, सिंक्रनाइज़, आदि।
The answer should be evidence
They have helped in providing relief materials and support
In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, many people like Sonia Negrón Bell with friends and relatives in Puerto Rico have done a lot to offer their support. This support include provision of different materials such as food, shelter, clothing and generators.
The hurricane brought about power outage in the region affected which was the reason why generator sets were provided as an alternative.
Literally, the word "horror" and any of its synonyms are used to represent and to depict fear.
From the list of given options, suspense, anticipation and resignation do not mean fear in the actual sense and cannot be used as a substitute to horror(s).
The only option that represents fear is "H. fearfulness".
Hence, fearfulness answers the question
Thats soo nice of u! does she speak english or only Japanese?