Although the atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen, it is in the form of gas known as dinitogen N2. Plant cannot use this form.
Genetically Identical to the parent, mitosis,
Advantages: Fast and Efficient
Disadvantages: Lacks diversity
If your body has developed a tolerance to a medication you're taking, it means the medication at your current dose has stopped working as effectively as it once did. It might mean your body becomes used to the medication, and you don't get the same benefits or effects as before. Drug tolerance is indicative of drug use but is not necessarily associated with drug dependence or addiction. The process of tolerance development is reversible and can involve both physiological factors and psychological factors.
The disorder is called Acromegaly. Acromegaly is
a chronic metabolic condition described by gradual, easily seen enlargement and
elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, and extremities cause by over
secretion of the pituitary gland after puberty. It is usually caused due to a
tumor of the pituitary gland.
More abilities and can adapt to it's area.