A missing link is a long-extinct organism that filled in a gap between closely related species that now coexist on Earth, such as between apes and humans or reptiles and birds.
A possible or recent transitional fossil is referred to as the "missing link." In the media and in popular science, it is widely used to describe any novel transitional form. Initially, the expression was used to describe a hypothetical transitional form that existed between anthropoid ancestors and anatomically modern humans. The term was influenced by both the pre-Darwinian evolutionary theory known as the Great Chain of Being and the now discredited notion that simple species are more primitive than sophisticated ones. Human evolutionary phylogenetic tree. Since evolutionary trees only hold information at their tips and nodes, and the rest is relied on conjecture rather than fossil evidence, geneticists have supported the idea of the "missing link." But anthropologists no longer like it because of what it suggests.
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Threat disgruntled employees
This is a type's threat in a network, why disgruntled employees is a threat?
Because disgruntled employees can implement a plant to damage a company's system when an IT employee be fired.
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EOF stands for End Of File
Google explains it well: EOF is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually called a file or stream.
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