The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that:
1) an Aryan prince who was a Zoroastrian convert => G) Vishtaspa
2) the Zoroastrian name for a holy spirit => I) Zarathustra
3) the "Immortal Holy Ones," or the Sacred Seven => D) Spenta Mainyu
4) the sacred text of Zoroastrianism => B) Ahura Mazda
5) Towers of Silence where corpses are laid => F) Parsis
6) the followers of Zoroaster in India => H) dakhmas
7) "God the Eternal Light" => A) Avesta
8) Zoroaster's first convert => E) Amesha Spentas
9) the founder of Zoroastrianism =>C) Maidhynimaonha
air pollution
That's what i think i dont know if its right.
Racism in the past was a lot worse, starting by the fact that during an important amount of time, minority populations were either enslaved, or subjected to serfdom, or obliged to live in remote reservations and robbed of their lands. There were also lynching's, segregations in public and private places like schools, restaurants, and buses. Treatment was often unequal under the law, and job and education opportunities were less.
Racism in the present still exists, and it is still a problem, especially because if often manifests itself in ways that are not so apparent. However, it is undeniable that a great degree of progress has been made in this matter in recent decades.
Nationalism. As Manifest Destiny was geared towards more of the individual people's growth (i.e go-getters) compared to Nationalism; the growth and advancement of the nation's people's as a whole.
D) Escape religious discrimination.