the answer is 5 syllables
Photographic Representation
Clearer audio
Visual effects
Emotions of actresses/ actors can be seen with facial expressions
Viewers are more interested with on-screen dramas
Television needs electricity while radio needs a signal
Television offers more channels than radio stations does
Involving the condition that a group of quantities connected by operators gives the same result whatever the order of quantities involved.
The question above is one of about the psychology of trust.
According to psychologists, people who find it hard to trust others usually themselves can't be trusted.
Some of the signs that a person has trust issues are:
- they make people seem like they are capable of exhibiting the very action that they are capable of: This entails accusing others of behaviors that they themselves are exhibiting or thinking of carrying out;
- They breach confidentiality: It is easy to see from the comment that the person speaking is most likely prone to breach confidentiality. If a person has refused to help another, the question is, how is that related to whether or not they are trustworthy?
So a person who is more likely to say that you can't trust another person may themselves be unworthy of trust.
Read more about Trust here:
Conclusion has a latin root and it is concludere or conclusio. in english it means conclude