It can mean that you can get what you want easier when you're being nice.
things go wrong in their life
Samuel is an adept artist, having taken lessons for years
In this busy lives of ours stress always striks. Thats why it is always important to eat a healthy and nutritios diet. And thats why teenagers are offering nutritious diet schemes and offers.
so it is important to have a nutritious diet because it hellllllllllppppppps! In every book every science class during conversations we get a topic that is about help. So, to keep fit and healthy and staw away from a felling known as stress.
So, yes as i said before tennagers are offering these sorts of diets as it helps to stay fit.
A. Contemplative
The defintion of contemplative is: expressing or involving prolonged thought.
This poem makes me think of the suthor expressing his thoughts and how they argue and collide with one another. So I think the answer is contemplative