Answer: B
Explanation: Both World Wars were started due to one country rising up as a Military power and having a Nationalist government. Germany is a good example of this. When Hitler rose to power in 1933, he began to start a Nationalist Government and starting invading some nearby countries.
The Answer is 125
That was before the revolutionary war, but what are you asking???
Those who lived through the war between 1914 and 1918 undoubtedly thought that it was a world conflict and they called it that. From his perspective, the war was of such magnitude that it seemed that the entire planet was collapsing. The term World War expressed the scale of fear that the conflict had generated.
En espanol:
Los que vivieron la guerra entre 1914 y 1918 pensaron sin duda que se trataba de un conflicto mundial y así la llamaron. Desde su perspectiva, la guerra era de tal magnitud que parecía que el planeta entero estaba colapsando. El término Guerra Mundial expresaba la escala de pavor que había generado el conflicto.