1. Juan (usted)
2. Yo (Yo)
3. Los alumnos (Ustedes/ Ellos )
4. Tu y Yo (Nosotros)
5. Caitlin (el)
6. Fred y Willma ( ellos)
7. You all ( Ustedes)
8. Tu y Keliey ( ustedes)
9. Aria y yo ( Nosotras)
10. Las amigas ( Ellas)
11. La Muchcha ( Ella)
12. La alumna ( Ella)
13. Los alumnos ( Ellos)
14. Los alumnos y yo ( Nosotros)
15. Los alumnos y tu ( Ustedes)
16. Kati ( Ella)
17. Evelyn y destiny ( Ellas)
18. Ryan and Bridget ( Ellos)
19.Steven y yo ( Nosotros)
20. el Muchacho ( El)
21. Los amigos ( Ellos)
22. Hannah, tu, y yo ( Nosotros)
23. Chelsie, Kimmie, y tu (Ustedes)
1. It elaborates with glossary of the 20
terms that are underlined in the reading.
2. What was the production in England like before R1?
3. Explain image
2 4. Why is it offiome that tissue and
confections. Feron und
opportunity to eat pard Longlutem?
5. Develop a wachio compaiobuo in size 1/8 or spread,
inventions of the
River in which the
name of the invention appears, year, inventor, image and description of the invention.
hydraulic 6.
Explains what energy
consists of taking
as to
Explains how the steam engine works, with
i only know the translation not the questions
tu mamma cirque si no themes porque yo estoy aqui menso
Bh red gags shdjdgxnssgss
I think all of them are diptongos, except 8. ciudad