"Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are." -- Theodore Roosevelt. "Being happy doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections." -- K.B. Indiana.
I hope this helps!!!!
#1 the sub-genres of not fic are :
theory and graphic
#2 the sub-genres of fic are :
mystery and legend
#3 the sub-genres of poetry are :
legend and maybe free verse
not sure on this one
Personal story is a literary narrative that describes personal experience; it is typically told in the first person, and its subject matter is unconventional. An account from one's life or experiences is considered "personal." The term "nontraditional" describes literature that does not adhere to the standard definitions of a narrative.
Which elements would you least likely use to develop an idea in a personal narrative?
When we are told stories that help us understand people's viewpoints on the world, we are better able to comprehend how they feel and think. Due to their digestible style and the fact that we are empathizing beings, personal narratives aid in our ability to relate to the tales of others.
It needs to have an introduction, a narrative, a setting, a climax, an anticlimax (if there is one), and a conclusion.
The tone should be established in the introduction, and the main point(s) you wish to make should be highlighted throughout the body. What lessons you have taken away from the just-told narrative can be stated in the conclusion.
Your narrative essay should showcase your distinct worldview. Establish your point of view, the main ideas you want the reader to remember, and your voice. Before you begin writing the story, it is a good idea to have a clear goal in mind.
To know more about Personal Narrative, click on the link below: