eThe overland journey–across mountains, plains, rivers and deserts–was risky and difficult, and many westward migrants instead chose to travel by sea, taking the six-month route around Cape Horn at the tip of South America, or risking yellow fever and other diseases by crossing the Isthmus of Panama and traveling via ...
The correct answer is the period of persecution. Period of
persecution occurred Under Nero, 64-68 AD. Persecution is being conducted by
having to harass or bad treatment to the individuals who have a different
belief, particularly religious belief that made them different to other people
during those times.
Tens of thousands of women joined The Women's Land Army to work the soil, fields, and orchards to free men for military service. Women took to the land gladly and brought in the harvest during the war years to supply food to the nation, the military, and our allies.
We must use the scientific method and the knowledge of the environment in order to work as an environmental scientist.
An environmental scientist works based on the fact that it has the knowledge of the environment. An environmental scientist study about the effect of environment on plants and animals and vice versa.
Brainliest plsss