Spain by "then" will be a depopulated nation dominated by elderly and single people,the country will have lost 5.3million inhabitants, or 11% of the current population, by the middle of the century. If the trends continue, by then the over 65s will make up 34.6% of the population while close to a quarter of a million Spaniards will be over 100yrs old.By that date there will be 1.7million fewer children under 10 than there are now.....
When I created a country I called it Fire Realms. You could do something based off of that.
Answer: north
Explanation:The Middle East and North Africa are two regions that are often grouped together because they have many things in common. Islam is the dominant religion in the area and almost everyone speaks Arabic. Most of the Middle East and North Africa is composed of desert land where very little rain falls.
Water vapour is important for a number of different reasons, but its presence in the atmosphere is one of the most important. Water vapour is present within the atmosphere in varying amounts but is a vital component of the hydrologic cycle. In the atmosphere, water vapour can exist in trace amounts or even make up as much as 4% of the atmosphere. This concentration depends largely on where the water vapour levels are measured. On average, the value of water vapour in the atmosphere is 2-3%. In arid or very cold locations - such as polar regions - the amount of water vapour in the air is much lower.[4]
Even on a clear day, water vapour exists in the atmosphere as an invisible gas - unlike clouds which are droplets of liquid water that can be seen. If the conditions are right, water vapour in the air can collect on small particles of dust, salt, or smoke in the air to form small droplets. These droplets gradually increase in size and over time become various forms of precipitation. Since water vapour is so prominent in the atmosphere and forms precipitation, water vapour is a major component of the hydrologic cycle. When water holding areas are heated by the Sun, some of the water being held evaporates and becomes vapour, powering the cycle.[5]
In addition to being created by evaporating water, plants are capable of producing water vapour through a process of transpiration.