To write 6.716 as a fraction you have to write 6.716 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
6.716 = 6.716/1 = 67.16/10 = 671.6/100 = 6716/1000
And finally we have:
6.716 as a fraction equals 6716/1000
Most of the square numbers are if we need to find root over we need an even number to convert it to perfect square.
See the example below

Some other triplets are
- (6,8,10)
- (5,12,13)
- (8,15,17)
A + s = 480......s = 480 - a
8a + 5s = 2892
8a + 5(480 - a) = 2892
8a + 2400 - 5a = 2892
8a - 5a = 2892 - 2400
3a = 492
a = 492/3
a = 164 <=== there were 164 adult tickets sold
By assuming the standard deviation of population 2.2 the confidence interval is 8.67 toys,8.94 toys.
Given sample size of 1492 children,99% confidence interval , sample mean of 8.8, population standard deviation=2.2.
This type of problems can be solved through z test and in z test we have to first find the z score and then p value from normal distribution table.
First we have to find the value of α which can be calculated as under:
corresponding z value will be 2.575 for p=0.995 .
Margin of error=z*x/d
where x is mean and d is standard deviation.
So the lower value will be x-M
=8.67 ( after rounding)
The upper value will be x+M
Hence the confidence interval will be 8.67 toys and 8.94 toys.
Learn more about z test at
Yes, because they both have the same slope, and a translation doesn't have an affect of the slope. Both slopes are 1, because they are going +1x and +1y, or 1/1 which = 1.