I haven’t researched this much, but i do know that there were no beds for the slaves, they were chained to the ground shoulder to shoulder, typically unclothed. a lot would vomit from seasickness, terror, or lack of nutrition, and a good portion of them died before getting to their destination.
there are a number of reasons and small incidents before the happening of historical event. to understand a particular historical event, the historians must see the circumstances and reasons due to which the historical event occurs. There are various reasons behind the historical event so it is necessary for the historian to see that reasons in order to fully understand the event.
<span>The term Renaissance, literally means "rebirth" and is the period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages, conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values.</span>
Dear Riya,
This is a technique by speaker and psychologist Connie Podesta. It is very simple and works best in groups, though you can try it individually. Please follow these instructions and then look at the next paragraph for more insight.
1. You have to draw these four shapes in front of you: square, circle, squiggle and a triangle one at a time.
2. Now you have to choose one of these and draw it again.
The one you draw again tells your personality. Nobody of course has one shape and are mostly mixtures but the strongest can be found out with this activity. All of these have the following meanings