Study as much as you can. Write out only the stuff you know you will probably forget in your notes. Basically study whatever you definitely are not most comfortably on then a week before the test study what you are comfortable on. Do it over and over again until you are right or believe that you know how to it.
1). The magician told the Children that he would show them new tricks the next day.
2). Ritha told her friend that she had felt sick the previous day.
3). Namitha looked at the bat and told that she liked it.
4). Mohit told Meena that he kept the book there.
5). He told his mother that it was going to rain that day.
6). She told her cousin that she would watch the match that night.
Reported Speech is characterized as the grammatical construction in which the speaker conveys someone else's message or dialogue used during a conversation to others using different words. It doesn't involve quoting the exact words of the speaker and thus, the pronoun and verbs are changed accordingly to communicate the same idea differently. The above sentences have been converted into reported speech as mentioned above.
Killers view their victims as weak people that don't usually have a chance against them.
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Author Joshua J. Marine has a famous quote on this: “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” ... But any way you look at it, it ensures that life is interesting and fulfilling.