When you are working with severely cognitive impairment, many factors need to be considered ranging from physical cares such as avoiding dehydration, malnutrition, falls, injures and medicine to their psychological and emotional wellbeing.
To provide safe and high- quality care to those with severe mental loss, we need to be alert to prevent patients hurting themselves or to avoid hostile atmosphere. Apart from monitoring their physiological needs, we need to provide a warm, bright and nurturing context. Be patient and alert to any complications or adverse events. It is important to listen to previous carers and family to tailor the patient's safe-keeping. Every person is presumed to have capacity until traces of delirium, risk of harm or dementia are noticed. Thus, communication at all times is the key. The unfamiliar atmosphere in a hospital may be overwhelming so you should resource to verbal communication and respect for a person's privacy. Finally, decision-making should be always consulted with the patient's family or legal guardian.
<span> These errors occur because the logician leaves out necessary material in an argument or misdirects others from missing information.</span>
Differences between Movies and Books
Movies and books, as stated previously, are two mediums of entertainment. Some people prefer one over the other, but they have equal merits. Books are windows to any world, and those worlds are only limited by one’s imagination. Books are known to also improve ones vocabulary. Movies, on the other hand, is something that can easily let us feel what feeling the director wants to convey because of the mix of visual and aural clues. They can make us cry or laugh because we clearly see and hear and feel what is being portrayed. Books and movies have also been tools for education and propaganda, but mostly they are for entertainment.
Movies and books are ways into worlds unknown; it’s just up to you which ever you will take.