The events in chronological order:
1. Esta mañana todo el equipo ha llegado pronto al campo de fútbol
2. Lo primero que hemos hecho es correr para calentarnos
3. Después de correr, el entrenador no ha hecho sudar con unos abdominales.
4. Inmediatamente después todos los jugadores hemos hecho ejercicios de estiramiento
5. Después del duro entrenamiento, el masajista nos ha dado un masaje relajante
In english:
-This morning, the whole team arrived early to the Soccer field. (In order to complete the training, they must have arrived to the training facility, that's why this goes first in chronological order)
-The first thing we did was running, to warm up. (The expression "<em>Lo primero que hicimos"</em><em>, </em>or "The first thing we did", gives away the next sentence in chronological order)
-After running, the coach made us sweat with some crunches. (This action goes after the previous one, as it happens "After running" or <em>"después de correr"</em>
-Immediately after, all of us, the players, did stretching exercises. (The next action in chronological order would be this, as the stretching exercises or "<em>ejercicios de estiramiento" </em>would go after the physical activity.
-After the hard training, the masseur gave us a relaxing massage. (The expression "After the hard training" or <em>"después del duro entrenamiento" </em> conveys that this is the last activity made.