From time to time people have wondered why reading is important. There seems so many other things to do with one's time. Reading is important for a variety of reasons. We will look at some of those fundamental reasons below, but it is important to realize that struggling with vital reading skills is not a sign of low intelligence. For example, John Corcoran, who wrote The Teacher Who Couldn't Read<span>, is a very intelligent man. He graduated from High School and College, became a popular High School teacher and later a successful business man, all without being able to read. Many highly intelligent people have struggled with reading; although, when properly taught, most people can learn to read easily and quickly.</span>
The answer is C, both end marks and commas are in the right place.
A moth saves him by aspiring to fly the stars instead of flying to a lamp and dying. Because the moth follows his dream to fly to a star, he never makes it, but he doesn’t burn up into flames.
A predicate is the part of a sentence that contains a verb wich tells something about the subject.
Now, in simple present or present progressive the formula is: subject + verb+ complement; the verb is the predicate. Taking the first three example, the subject is circled and the verb verbs comes after.
Answers are underlined:
The West Indian Manatee <u>is large a sea mammal.</u>
Manatte <u>rest just below the water's surface.</u>
Sea grass <u>is one of their favorite things</u> to eat.
In the last one it can't be eat the predicate because the predicate refers always to the subject, and 'sea grass doesn't eat'. "To eat is a complement"
Your answer is B, it just makes the most sense