The British victory in the Seven Years’ War was confirmed in the Treaty of Paris<span> in 1763, in which, among many other things, the French surrendered their claim to the Old Northwest. Later, during the War for Independence, American interests in the area were advanced by the military exploits of </span>George Rogers Clark<span>. Control of the area passed from Britain to the new United States in the </span>Treaty of Paris<span> of 1783. I hope this helped you!...
1 The Middle Kingdom is the period in the history of ancient Egypt stretching from the establishment of the Eleventh Dynasty to the end of the Fourteenth Dynasty, between 2050 BC and 1652 BC.
4 The block statue is a type of memorial statue that first emerged in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. The block statue grew in popularity in the New Kingdom and the Third Intermediate Period, and by the Late Period, this type of statue was the most common
3 Mentuhotep II, also called Nebhapetre, king (ruled 2008–1957 bce) of ancient Egypt's 11th dynasty (2081–1938 bce) who, starting as the ruler of southernmost Egypt in about 2008 bce, reunified the country by defeating his rivals and ushered in the period known as the Middle Kingdom (1938–c. 1630 bce).
6 The decline of Egypt that began during the Thirteenth Dynasty, accelerated during the Fourteenth Dynasty, and culminated when the Hyksos seized power and plunged Egypt into a period of disarray during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Dynasties came to an end around the time that Itjtawy fell to the Hyksos.
7 The Old Kingdom
I dubble creaked it it is c. plebeians and patricians
A small direct democracy. I hope this helps.
Gold, God, and Glory. They went to the new world, America, so they could find new materials, gold being one of them. Then they used Religion as a smoke screen, covering up the real reason why they were there, to steal and obtain gold. They acted as if they were attempting to convert the American Indians over to Christianity. And then glory, they wanted to be praised because of their adventure to the new world.