In anul 30, eu sunt in studiu biblic si eu am invatat aceasta lucru sper ca te-am ajutat!!
The original sin was when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Find explanation below.
Operant Conditioning is based on the principle that there is a reward given after the display of a particular behavior. The reward is given for the purpose of reinforcement. The reinforcement in turn could be negative or positive. In organizations, operant conditioning is found in the various systems of reward for behaviors exhibited by employees. This is found in;
1. Salary Increment: To reinforce hard work and commitment of employees, the management of an organization can increase their pay to motivate them to do better.
2. Demotion: Employees who do not perform very and who lack commitment to their jobs could be demoted as a means f punishment.
3. Award presentation: Best-performing employees could be given awards of excellence to commend them for their efforts.
4. Suspensions: Employees not adhering to organizational policies could be suspended for some time to serve as a means of punishment.
You have to be at least over 37/50 to know this type of stuff for me really help you out other than that i don’t have a clue