get Eva to school every day
Patricia is supposed to respond with the opposite of whatever Victoria says. Victoria said, “I’m going to speak with someone.” Therefore, Patricia should said “I’m not going to speak with anyone.”
Double negatives are allowed in Spanish, so the correct word which is the opposite of “alguien” is “nadie.”
EVA Where were you? I wear
calling you.
ANA Sorry, I'm
looking for wedding dresses.
EVA Are you getting married?
And are you going to Texas with Andrés?
ANA SI, to Texas.
with how little I like the heat.
ANA Oh, how far, I'm going to
EVA I'm happy for you, Ana! Plus
Andrés is great.
ANA Yes, and she loves to vlajar. He is all a
By the way, I need clothes suitable for the heat.
EVA Can I help you search? To me
dress others.
ANA Well, I have to go to
to order the invitations.
1. Mas grande
2.Más chiquito
3.Más alto
4. Mas viejo
5. Más joven
6.La mejor
7.El Mejor
8.Los mejores
9.Las Mejores