A hungry wolf shouted at his pack.
A comfortable couch sat in the lounge, waiting to be accompanied.
A car ran down the highway.
A cell phone sang its ringtone.
A butterfly danced through the air.
A dinosaur settled down to rest.
Stars beamed the night sky, looking down on the earth.
Mountains sat omnipotently, watching over the surrounding villages.
Ocean waves ran along the shoreline.
A boiling pot sighed steam out once the lid was opened.
1) Hesiod (750 BC)
2) Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC)
3) Dante Alighieri (1265 AD - 1321 AD)
4) Christopher Marlowe (1564 AD - 1593 AD)
5) William Shakespeare (1564 AD - 1616 AD)
Although Shakespeare and Marlowe were born in the same year, Marlowe died first and Shakespeare continued his literature production. Some think that Marlowe faked his death and changed his name to Shakespeare.
Pastoral poetry is characterized by idealizing rural life and landscapes, it presents society of shepard untied to concerns of city life.
It doesn´t, taken in account the word <em>long.</em>
It seems to me that the question should be formulated like this:
<em>How does this document etc.</em>
Because the either supporting or expanding of the textbook version can´t be measured in time; you either support it or you expand on it.
bad and good depending on what ur going through
but are you doing alright..?
B)The mention of "to roam" and "'round the Pole" suggest that the poem takes place during a man's journey around the country.
or it can be option D
you can consider reading the whole poem and see if it matches with the incident mentioned in option D or you can post the whole poem so that i can take my time to analyze the whole setting of the poem.( if you know from which poem this stanza is taken from)