Why? According to the four main causes of the great depression include stock market crash, bank failures, overproduction and drought.
want it in English?
The Aberdeen Act of 1845 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (citation 8 & 9 Vict c. 122) passed during the reign Queen Victoria on August 9. The long title of the Act is "An Act to amend an Act, intituled An Act to carry into execution a Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, for the Regulation and final Abolition of the African Slave Trade". The Act was proposed by British Foreign Secretary Lord Aberdeen.
The Act gave the Royal Navy authority to stop and search any Brazilian ship suspected of being a slave ship on the high seas, and to arrest slave traders caught on these ships. The Act stipulated that arrested slave traders could be tried in British courts. The law was designed to suppress the Brazilian slave trade, to make effective Brazilian laws and international treaties to end the Atlantic slave trade, that Brazil had signed since the 1820s, but never enforced.
<span>O Ato de Aberdeen de 1845 foi um ato do Parlamento do Reino Unido (citação 8 e 9 Vict c. 122) passou durante o reinado Rainha Victoria em 9 de agosto. O título longo da Lei é "Ato para emendar um ato, intitulado "A Lei para levar a cabo uma Convenção entre Sua Majestade e o Imperador do Brasil, para o Regulamento e a Abolição definitiva da Escravatura Africana". O Ato foi proposto pelo Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros britânico Lord Aberdeen.
O Ato deu à autoridade da Marinha Real para parar e procurar qualquer navio brasileiro suspeitado de ser um navio escravo no alto mar, e para prender traficantes de escravos capturados nesses navios. O Ato estipulava que os comerciantes de escravos presos podiam ser julgados nos tribunais britânicos. A lei foi concebida para suprimir o comércio de escravos no Brasil, para tornar efetivas leis brasileiras e tratados internacionais para acabar com o tráfico de escravos do Atlântico, que o Brasil assinou desde a década de 1820, mas nunca foi aplicado.</span>
<span>Sorry, I used google translate</span>
1. communism
political system of collective ownership of property, population is of one class
2. The Communist Manifesto
book by Karl Marx urging workers to overthrow upper classes; textbook for communism and socialism
3. dissenter
one who disagrees or has a difference of opinion
4. free enterprise system
government allows citizens to own private businesses for profit
5. Of Reformation in England
John Milton's writing on the
advantage of a commonwealth to a
6. principles
basic rule or standard
7. Renaissance
a revival of art and learning arising from the 14th to 16th centuries
8. social scientist
one who studies individual relationships within society and relationships to society
9. socialism
system where political power and property are to be shared by the whole population
Mercantilism- beliefs in the benefits of profitable trading
import- bringing food into a country
export- sending goods to another county
enumerated article- goods that the english colonies exported to england
legislature- the legislative body of a country or state
indentured servant- a person who has contracted to work unpaid for a few years in exchange to come to north america
navigation acts- a declaration that only English ships would be allowed to bring goods into England
dominion of new england- a union of English colonies covering New England and the Mid-Atlantic Colonies
english bill of rights- an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
hope this helped :)